MSU Science Festival Additional Info

Your student(s) can build their own exhibits related to Galileo or Newton or use our exhibits. We already have a few sets of exhibits that the students can use.

We have only 3 stations and limited amount of space in the planetarium lobby. So, please do not make large exhibits.

Let your students learn about Galileo and Newton and look at the following links to learn about what types of exhibits will be there. They can choose to build a few if they have the time and interest.

  1. Balloon Rocket :
  2. Newton's Cradle on a swing:
  3. Newton's Cradle on a curved race track:
  4. CD-Balloon Hovercraft :
  5. Neutron Star Merger: (I do not have any links.)
  6. Bouncing Balls:
  7. Inertia: Choose any simple item from ArvindGuptaToys that does not involve electricity/batteries or spilling.
  8. Wave Pendulum:
  9. Color wheel.
  10. Stomp Rocket : Look for Paper rockets or stomp rockets in YouTube